Borderless 360

Rights to free movement, protection, and dignity are fundamental needs we should all be able to enjoy as human beings. However, our common humanity is challenged by how we treat refugees and other displaced people, as we increasingly find these populations falling through gaps, disenfranchised from rights, and silenced in wider discussions around protection.

According to UN estimates, 89.3 million people were forcibly displaced around the world by 2021 – including at least 45.7 million internally displaced persons, 4.2 million stateless people/asylum seekers, and the 26 million recognised under the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, who face persecution in various and evolving forms. Not only are these numbers too great to ignore, they are also likely to rise exponentially, as the consequences of xenophobia, nationalism, resource competition, and climate change aggravate forced migration.

At Borderless360, we want to reframe conversations around power, borders, and values that underpin our societies. We do this by giving the displaced and disenfranchised equal access to education. We support the right to quality education for all through a teaching approach that heals and connects different segments of communities. We believe that education is critical in developing new platforms that directly serve communities’ diverse range of needs in a much more positive and impactful way.

As an independent, collaboratively-focused initiative, Borderless360 seeks to encourage new community-based approaches to problem-solving: We invite like-minded friends and partners from a broad range of networks and pursuits to see how they can bring their unique expertise to the problems faced by refugees – in innovative, sustainable, holistic, and collaborative ways.

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